Friday 1 November 2013

Horror Poster Analysis - "The Posssession"

This poster for the 2012 film “The Possession”. It features many genre conventions and it is clear that it belongs to the horror genre. 

  • The image in the poster is an extreme long shot - the character is alone, loosely framed and almost drowning in the seemingly isolated setting. This kind of vulnerability is typical of horror films
  • The colour scheme of the poster is dark, muted and bleak, typical of horror films
  • The girl’s body is thrown forward as if she is about to contort herself - this is typical figure behaviour of people who are possessed, again indicating the genre
  • “Based on a true story” is often featured on horror film posters, even though this may be factually incorrect. These kinds of taglines are intended to scare the audience
  • The tagline, “Pray for Her”, and the ghostly light coming from the streetlamp indicates a godly presence. This is typical of possession films, a subgenre of horror films
  • The character is seemingly a young girl - this is a recurring theme in horror films as adult audiences are proven to find films more chilling if they feature children
  • The producer of the film, Sam Raimi, is referenced on the poster - he is noted for making horror films including "The Evil Dead" and "Drag Me to Hell"
  • The production company, Ghost House Pictures, is associated with making films from the horror genre
  • The font used is sinister and unsettling, reflecting the genre 

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