Sunday, 17 November 2013

Potential Film Magazine Names

The masthead (the name of the magazine) is the biggest font on the cover, so it is important to make sure that the same is catchy and noticeable.

I reduced my name choices down to 5 and did a focus group of 30 people over the age of 15 (my demographic). Here are their results:

1. Picture This - The majority of people in the focus group really liked this title, with most saying it was catchy.  However some suggested that the title does not directly sound like a film magazine.

2. Reflection - People in the focus group thought this title was quite arthouse and didn't really reference film at all (certainly not mainstream movies).

3. Take 1 - The focus group responded positively to this title as they said it was catchy and memorable. Some members said that the number 1 implies that it is the best.

4. Zoom - This title was quite popular with the focus group, however when hearing the other titles most changed their mind, with one suggesting that this title was "nothing special".

5. Have You Scene It? - People in the focus group thought the pun was quite humorous but they also commented that the title was far too long and not catchy enough, with some also saying they though this was far too cheesy.

6. Reel Film - This magazine name proved to be the most popular in the focus group as they liked the play on words and thought it was a catchy and memorable name. Most said they would notice it on a magazine rack.

As a result of the response from the focus group, I have decided to choose Reel Film as my title. I will begin looking for suitable fonts and think about the colour and layout of the masthead.

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