Monday 18 November 2013

Primary Research - Magazine Questionnaire

As part of my primary research into audience expectations I created a questionnaire regarding film magazines.

I distributed the questionnaire to people living in London over the age of 15 (my film's target audience), asking them what they expect to find in a film magazine, and the ways in which layout, design and content would persuade them to buy the magazine. Here are the results:

1. What do you expect to see on the cover of a film magazine ?
  • A recognisable star/character
  • Barcode
  • Price
  • Issue number
  • Indication of the content 
  • Masthead
  • Banners

2. What is it about the layout and design that encourages you to buy film magazines?
  • Bright colour scheme
  • One dominant central image
  • No clutter on the cover
  • Clear, easy to read, cover lines

3. What content to you expect to find in a film magazine?
  • Reviews
  • Features
  • Interviews
  • Posters

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