Saturday, 14 December 2013

Final Shot List and Running Order

Here is my final shot list and the running order I want my shots to appear in once I have filmed for my trailer.

1. Ghost House Pictures logo - Makes it obvious that this film is from the horror genre as the production company is known for making horror movies.

2. Screen Gems logo - Another company which makes horror films. I want the logos to appear at the beginning of the trailer as this seems to be the convention.

3. Establishing shot of house - Sets the scene for the trailer - implies that a lot of the film's narrative takes place here.

4. Long shot of mother and son unloading the car - implies that they are moving in and making a new start.

5. Long shot of mother and son walking to the house.

6. Long shot of mother and son walking towards camera into the house.

7. Tagline - A Missing Child - hints to the audience that the narrative will revolve around a child's disappearance. Children in danger often feature heavily in films from the horror genre.

8. Long shot of mother from behind, walking away from camera in the garden with bottles of wine - This is the first indication the audience will get that the mother is an alcoholic.

9. Long shot of mother with wine walking towards camera - This shot will show the distance the mother is walking with the wine. Possibly indicating her drinking is a secret and the lengths she is going to to cover it up.

10. Medium shot of mother putting bottles in the shed - Emphasises her alcoholism and confirming she is hiding it.

11. Medium close up of mother finishing a glass of wine - Again putting emphasis on the fact that she is an alcoholic.

12. Tagline - A New Beginning - implies that the family are escaping something from their past. I want to split the tagline from my poster into two - I have noticed in existing trailers that this helps with the pacing.

13. Medium long shot of the mother looking out of window from behind.

14. Medium long shot of man looking at plant - This shows the audience what the mother was looking at out of the window. The sinister tone of the music that I want to use at this point should indicate that this man is a threat.

15. Low angle, extreme long shot of the mother's face in the window.

16. Medium shot of local boys telling the mother about "Psycho Dave"- the crosscutting between these shots lets the audience know that "Psycho Dave" is the man the woman was looking at out of the window.

17. Medium shot of Dave looking up at the woman - I want the music to begin to build here, confirming that this character will pose a threat.

18. Insert - Based on the Best Selling Novel by Stephen King - One of the most recognised authors of horror novels. Often films with teaser trailers are based on existing source material.

19. Medium long shot of the child looking out of the window - As this will be the first shot of the montage, I want it to look sinister. This shot will be shot from behind the boy so that the audience will have no idea what he is looking at - helping create a sense of mystery.

20. Long shot of a car driving towards the camera.

21. Long shot of the mother snatching a toy from the child - The first sign the audience will get of a significant object that will be important later in the narrative.

22. Close up of a local boy looking out of a car window at the house - He is in the same carthe audience saw in a previous shot, indicating that he watches the house regularly and could pose a threat.

23. Extreme close up of the mother picking a toy up from the ground - A shot of the significant object appearing in a random place indicates sinister activity.

24. High angle, extreme long shot of the child outside with the toy - The child is standing outside seemingly focused on something, but nothing is there. The angle of the shot makes him seem small and vulnerable and it is as if somebody is watching him out of a window.

25. Medium long shot of the woman walking down the street.

26. Medium shot of the Psycho closing the boot - The camera is placed inside the car, making the character seem dominant, but also indicating that he may be hiding something (maybe the body of a child).

27. Medium shot of the woman turning around in the mirror - The woman turns round with a frightened look on her face but the audience can see in the reflection that there is nothing behind her - creates a sense of mystery and leads the audience to believe that she may be paranoid.

28. Medium shot of the child looking out of the window - The main light source is coming from the window and the boy has a sinister expression on his face - again creating a sense of mystery.

29. Close up of boy looking out of the window - The sudden cut to a close up will unsettle the audience and allow them to see his facial expression more clearly.

30. Medium shot of the boy and girl standing by the door - The girl turns around suddenly shocking the audience at the same time as the impact sound that I want to use. The girl looks straight into the camera which is placed inside the window.

31. Title - The Mourning.

32. Billing - Appearing quickly.

33. Billing 2 - Appearing quickly.

34. Release Date - Fall 2013 - Release date is vague, something I picked up on during my research.

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