Friday 13 December 2013

Possible Sound Effects to use in My Teaser Trailer

Having worked with sound extensively while creating my radio show for my AS Foundation Production, I know just how important it can be in helping create meaning for the audience - especially in the horror genre, where it is often the use of sound effects and music that really unsettle the audience.

Due to the serious tone of my trailer I don't think I will use many sound effects. I will, however, be using a series of impact sounds which fit on with the genre of my teaser trailer. All of my sound effects were sourced from the BBC Sound Effects Library with the exception of "The Raceway" by Brian Taylor which I found on the soundtrack for "Final Destination 4". I silenced the rest of the track and put a fade on the end to make it into a moat sound. Here are some of the impact sounds I am considering using:

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