Tuesday 15 October 2013

Different Publications - Empire

This is a cover from Empire magazine. It is a mainstream magazine and it is easy to see this just from the cover. The title is the biggest and boldest font on the cover and it is in red, standing out against the darker background. The masthead is over the top of the actor's head, though sometimes the masthead appears behind the image of the actor. The masthead is in the top quarter of the magazine, and the name of the magazine reflects the type of films covered and the intended audience. The character on the cover is not only a recognizable character (from "Twilight") but also an A-list star, Robert Pattinson, who is considered a 'heartthrob' among most audiences and his character Edward Cullen is extremely recognizable. The cover lines feature a recognizable actress (Winona Ryder) and a number of Hollywood films including "Where the Wild Thing Are", "Alien" "A Christmas Carol", "Nine" "Avatar" and "Twilight". The colour scheme is bright and eye catching reflecting the popcorn movies the magazine covers. The cover uses a number of banners to help the various cover lines stand out.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent analysis Georgia.
    Now look at a completely different kind of magazine to see what the differences are.

